Vollständige Literaturliste 365 Einträge
Aus dem Verlagstext: „Maart 2020, COVID-19 lockdown. De mondaine badplaats Knokke verandert in een spookstad, zijn inwoners zijn voorzichtig bij alles wat ze doen. De speurders werken maximaal van thuis uit. Wanneer in het Koningsbos een anoniem lijk wordt aangetroffen, zit rechercheur Stefaan Athenus met de handen in het haar. Door de pandemie is de politiebrigade onderbemand en er daagt geen versterking op. De brigadier dient te improviseren.“
Abstract: „Wereldwijd bestaan er zorgen dat de COVID-19-maatregelen hebben geleid tot een toename van huiselijk geweld. In deze studie kijken we naar de huiselijk geweldadviezen die door alle 26 Veilig Thuis-regio’s in Nederland zijn geregistreerd. Om te onderzoeken of er verschillen zijn in de geregistreerde omvang, vermoedelijke aard en type adviesvrager van huiselijk geweldadviezen voor, tijdens en na de invoering van de COVID-19-maatregelen vergelijken we data van 2019 met 2020 en 2021. De bevindingen laten een algehele toename van adviesvragen in 2020 en 2021 zien, die niet eenduidig kan worden toegeschreven aan de COVID-19-maatregelen. There have been worldwide concerns that the COVID-19 restrictions have led to an increase in domestic violence. In this study the authors examine the domestic violence advices that have been registered by all 26 Veilig Thuis (Safe Home) regions in the Netherlands. To study potential differences in prevalence, suspected nature and the type of person that seeks advice on domestic violence prior and during the COVID-19 pandemic, the authors compare data from 2019 with 2020 and 2021. The findings show a general increase in advices in 2020 and 2021, that cannot be unambiguously attributed to the COVID-19 restrictions.“
Aus dem Verlagstext: „In het hart van de Kempen, op de hei, breekt een helse tijd aan wanneer een zorgcentrum na het bezoek van de goede sint getroffen wordt door corona. De sint, mantelzorger voor zijn oude moeder, wordt als ‘superverspreider’ bestempeld en is een moment lang wereldnieuws. Honderden verzorgingstehuizen kampten met grote uitbraken, duizenden bejaarden stierven als vliegen, maar dit waargebeurde verhaal van een mantelzorger roept nu indringende vragen op over wat er echt gaande was. Hoe is het als je goed wilt doen maar kwaad aanricht? Wat is de nasleep van schuld en schaamte? Waarom is de ene mens minder mens dan de andere? Chris de Stoop, zelf jarenlang mantelzorger, met ook een coronadode onder zijn naasten, brengt een ingetogen kroniek van het drama, vermengd met zijn eigen familie-ervaringen. Een persoonlijk, ontroerend portret van binnenuit.“
Aus den Verlagsangaben: „Sywert van Lienden, Bernd Damme en Camille van Gestel maakten aan het begin van de coronacrisis indruk met hun stichting Hulptroepen Alliantie. Met de hulp van een groep vrijwilligers en bedrijven als Randstad en Coolblue bestreden ze het mondkapjestekort in Nederland. Ze deden het ‘om niet’, zeiden ze, ‘voor de zorghelden’. De werkelijkheid bleek anders. In het geheim sloten ze een megadeal met de overheid waaraan ze 28 miljoen euro verdienden. De betalingen van honderden klanten sluisden ze naar een commerciële bv. Afnemers en zakelijk partners werden misleid, zelfs hun eigen medewerkers wisten nergens van. Toen de waarheid aan het licht kwam, trok het drietal een rookgordijn op. Jan-Hein Strop en Stefan Vermeulen deden maandenlang onderzoek naar de Hulptroepen Alliantie. Aan de hand van gesprekken met vele tientallen insiders en talloze interne documenten vertellen ze voor het eerst het hele verhaal achter deze affaire – in een boek vol nieuwe onthullingen.“
Aus dem Verlagstext: „In Crisis toont Jip van den Toorn de kleine en grote crisissen die ons in het dagelijks leven parten spelen en de vijf stadia die we met ze doorlopen. Hoe gaan we om met drama's als een plotselinge pandemie, een langverwachte klimaatcrisis, FOMO door social media, ontembare reislust én groeiende vliegschaamte? Hoe dealen we met onze eigen crisis en hoe met die van een ander? En wat zegt dat over ons? Jip van den Toorn vangt niet alleen scherp, confronterend en humoristisch de tijdsgeest maar ook ons gedrag als individu en maatschappij. En dat maakt haar tot een van de meest relevante columnisten van Nederland.“
Abstract: „Theories on issue competition assume that there is only a limited number of issues that a person prioritises simultaneously. In this research note, we test this mechanism by using a panel study that was conducted among Belgian parents in 2019 and 2020. Between the two observations of the study, the country suffered a severe health crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We investigate whether this crisis reduced the priority of environmental issues among respondents. Our results show that there was indeed a significant decline of some indicators for environmental concern, but not for others. Furthermore, we show that a higher priority for the health-related and economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic was associated with a steeper decline in environmental concern.“
Abstract: „Did the COVID-19 Pandemic Reduce Attention to Environmental Issues?: Theories on issue competition assume that there is only a limited number of issues that a person prioritises simultaneously. In this research note, we test this mechanism by using a panel study that was conducted among Belgian parents in 2019 and 2020. Between the two observations of the study, the country suffered a severe health crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We investigate whether this crisis reduced the priority of environmental issues among respondents. Our results show that there was indeed a significant decline of some indicators for environmental concern, but not for others. Furthermore, we show that a higher priority for the health-related and economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic was associated with a steeper decline in environmental concern.“
Abstract: „Dit artikel onderzoekt het Nederlandse politieke en media discours als reactie op de eerste golf van de wereldwijde covid-19-pandemie. Hierbij staat de vraag centraal in hoeverre de ontwikkeling en toon van dit discours de logica volgt van wat in de literatuur ook wel aangeduid wordt als ‘regeren door middel van migratiecontrole’. Volgens deze logica wordt migratie naar voren gebracht als een oorzaak van verschillende problematische, complexe, maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen, zelfs als er geen bewijs is om een dergelijk causaal verband te suggereren. Vanwege de veronderstelde relatie tussen migratie en het maatschappelijk probleem – in dit geval de covid-19 pandemie – wordt er een hardere toon in het discours rond migratie aangenomen, en kan dit zich zelf vertalen naar het nemen concrete maatregelen om de mobiliteit van mensen (verder) te beteugelen. Het artikel stelt vast dat, in deze eerste golf van de pandemie, deze specifieke dynamiek niet duidelijk aanwezig is in het Nederlandse politieke discours, noch in het mediadiscours.“
Angaben zum Inhalt: „The influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on the relative division of care tasks between mothers and fathers: a longitudinal perspective. For many parents, the combination of work and care was already demanding and unevenly distributed prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has clearly influenced the relative division of care tasks, but how and why remains unclear. We use longitudinal panel data from the LISS panel, collected in April, June and November 2020, to analyze the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on the relative distribution of care by mothers and fathers in the Netherlands. A complex picture emerges from these longitudinal analyses, and several theoretical perspectives appear to be relevant. We conclude that time availability mainly has an effect at the beginning of the pandemic, while relative resources play a role the longer the pandemic endures.“
Angaben zum Inhalt: „The experiences of refugee youth with school closure due to COVID-19: A qualitative study on increasing educational inequality of young people from Syria in Rotterdam This paper focusses on the experiences of Syrian refugee youth in Rotterdam with the first school closure (spring 2020), due to COVID-19 policy measures. Based on repeated qualitative interviews with 19 boys and girls – before, during and after the school closure – we examine how Syrian refugee youth have experienced the school closure, and how this influence their educational position by using the four central tasks of education of Van de Werfhorst and Mijs (2010). Syrian refugee youth in our study emphasize that online education is more difficult to understand and stress they miss their friends at school. Moreover, their circumstances at home are not ideal for online learning, and therefore reaching the appropriate level of education becomes harder. This paper highlights the importance of the social aspect of education. Whereas going to school normally also stimulate friendships and their socialization in Dutch society, the school closure makes this more challenging. Especially for refugee youth school has extra relevance for reasons of e.g. mental health, resiliency, and socialization. Through our case studies, we argue that the school closure contributes to an accumulation of risks and inequalities. We conclude that the school closure will likely increase educational inequality for young people with a refugee background and makes their educational position more vulnerable.“
Angaben zum Inhalt: „The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on subjective well-being of (international) higher education students in the Netherlands In this paper we investigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on subjective well-being of higher education students in the Netherlands. More specifically, we compare international students and Dutch students, based on the Dutch data of the COVID-19 International Student Well-Being Study, a cross-sectional survey conducted between May-July 2020 among higher education students across the Netherlands (N = 10.491). Based on the sociological literature on the relationship between social capital and subjective well-being, we investigate in particular whether changes in social contact during the first lockdown can explain differences in subjective well-being between international and Dutch students. Our results suggest that although international students report lower levels of subjective well-being compared to Dutch students, these differences cannot be directly explained by (changes) in social contact during the lockdown.“
Angaben zum Inhalt: „Citizens’ initiatives in times of crisis: An investigation into the factors that influence the durability of citizens’ initiatives In the Netherlands, citizens’ initiatives have received a lot of praise and are increasingly made responsible for providing public services. If they are to fulfil this role, they must be able to weather a crisis, as during a crisis public services should remain reliable. Literature on the durability of citizens’ initiatives suggests that large initiatives, with a close-knit core group and strong government support are the most durable. However, our research indicates that this was not the case during the COVID-19 crisis. Flexibility and freedom to function independently from the municipal government were found to be more decisive for durability. This suggests that despite public value of citizens’ initiatives, they cannot be expected to take much responsibility for durable public service provision.“
Angaben zum Inhalt: „Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on happiness in The Netherlands In the media we read mainly about negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on our subjective wellbeing, such as increased depression, anxiety and loneliness. There is less attention for possible positive effects and for this reason it is worth examining how the life-satisfaction of the Dutch population has developed during the pandemic. In the short run, this will help policy makers to balance loss of happiness against loss of lives and in the long run it will help to examine which policies have resulted in the lowest loss of happy life years. In this article, we describe observed effects on happiness in the Netherlands during the pandemic (until spring 2021) using three empirical approaches: 1) trend in subsequent survey studies, 2) analysis of a panel study, and 3) analysis of a dairy study in which mood during daily activities was measured. Average life-satisfaction declined by about 4% of which 3% between summer 2020 and spring 2021. Whereas in the early days of the pandemic, the Dutch population only reported a minor loss of happiness, the decline has become substantial at the end of the road.“
Angaben zum Inhalt: „Changes in informal care provision during the first COVID-19 lockdown in 2020 in the Netherlands. This study investigates to what extent the intensity of informal care provision has changed during the first lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic in the spring of 2020 in the Netherlands, whether these changes differed by the living situation of the care recipient, and whether these changes were associated with changes in indicators for ‘being able to’, ‘have to’ and ‘want to’ provide care (determinants of the Informal Care Model). We collected data in July 2020 among informal caregivers aged 78 and younger who indicated to provide care in March 2020 in the LISS-panel (N = 1,270 care situation of 1,014 caregivers). We found that, on average, informal care provision was reduced during the lockdown; caregivers of care recipients living in care institutions were the most likely to reduce or stop caregiving, and caregivers who helped someone in their own household were most likely to have increased their intensity. Feeling less restricted by the corona measures reduced the likelihood to stop or lower care provision and increased the likelihood of increasing care; being confronted with a reduction of formal care for the care recipient was related to a higher likelihood of increasing care; and stronger concerns about the care recipient increased the likelihood of intensifying care and prevented from stopping or reducing care. We conclude that the COVID-19 measures significantly impacted the amount of informal care provision and that the Informal Care Model provides a useful basis for explaining changes in informal care intensity.“
Angaben zum Inhalt: „This study looks at population response to government containment strategies during initial stages of the COVID-19 pandemic in four high-trust Northern European countries–Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, and Sweden–with special emphasis on expressions of governmental trust. Sentiment analysis and topic modeling analysis were performed using Twitter data from three phases during the initial European lockdown, and results were compared over time and between countries. Findings show that, in line with existing theory, assertive crisis responses and proactive communication were generally well-received, whereas tentative crisis responses or indications by the authorities that the crisis was manageable were generally met with suspicion. In addition, while government support was high in all countries during the height of the crisis, messages critical of the government as well as conspiracy theories were nevertheless widely circulated. Importantly, countries with the least assertive strategies, rather than clear negative responses, saw heightened polarization of sentiment in the population. Furthermore, in the case of Sweden, a laissez-faire strategy was generally accepted by the population, despite strong criticism from other countries, until mortality rates started to rise. Possible explanations for these findings are discussed with an emphasis of prior trust as a potential explanatory factor. Future research should seek to replicate these findings in other countries with different levels of prior governmental trust or with a different severity of the COVID-19 outbreak than the countries in this study as well as triangulate the findings of this study using alternative methods.“
Angaben zum Inhalt: „Attitudes about gender and the care for small children before and after the first lockdown in the Netherlands The COVID-19 pandemic has led to major changes in the division of paid and unpaid work in many Dutch households. Before the pandemic, work-care patterns were relatively traditional in the majority of families in the Netherlands, with women performing more unpaid tasks and men more paid work. These patterns were disrupted during the lockdown by the obligation to work from home and formal and informal childcare being unavailable. This meant that fathers were much more exposed to care and household tasks than before the pandemic. This effect was potentially reinforced by the fact that many ‘essential workers’ in education and healthcare were female, leaving their male partner to take over (extra) care tasks at home. But did these changes in the division of tasks also affect normative attitudes about gender and care? In this study we aim to answer this question using longitudinal data collected among 300 respondents in the Netherlands before (early 2019/2020) and after (July 2020) the first lockdown. We expect that attitudes about men’s caring capabilities have become more positive in partnered men and women if the male partner was working from home. The empirical results show that attitudes about gender roles regarding child rearing have become more traditional after the lockdown and this is particularly the case for men who worked from home while their partner continued to work outside the home.“
Angaben zum Inhalt: „More than a boost in political trust: Dutch public opinion during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic During the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, Dutch public opinion was largely characterized by a more positive outlook on society and politics. We give explanations for this rather positive spirit based on literature on earlier crises and we outline the changes in public opinion between January and April 2020 (using the Citizens' Outlooks Barometer). We will complement this quantitative analysis by analysing several open-ended questions to enhance our knowledge on the individual’s perceptions, attitudes and judgments about politics and society at the beginning of the pandemic. Our qualitative data analysis shows that the boost in political trust is driven by a specific appreciation of proceedings during the crisis and not by future expectations. But moreover, while this political ‘rally-round-the-flag’ phenomenon became centre stage of the crisis literature, we actually found that this is less salient than the societal outlook during a crisis: many citizens also express a reappraisal of society.“
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- Webseite (4)
- Zeitschriftenartikel (89)
- Zeitungsartikel (13)