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Ergebnisse 12 Einträge
Aus der Verlagsmeldung: „1776 wurde in der niederländischen Republik ein Gesetz erlassen, das ausschließlich für Schwarze Menschen und People of Color gelten sollte, die als Sklav*innen in die Niederlande kamen. Wie und warum geschah das? Was bedeutete das für die betroffenen Menschen und deren Lebensalltag? Anhand eines großen und in weiten Teilen bisher unerforschten Quellenkorpus geht Julia Holzmann diesen Fragen interdisziplinär und intersektional nach. Sie* untersucht die enge Verflechtung zwischen Kolonien und Metropole sowie rechtlichen, sprachlichen und sozialen Praktiken, darunter auch Rassismus. Ihre* biografischen Mikrostudien geben Einblick in die Geschichte Schwarzer Menschen und People of Color in den Niederlanden.“
„In this article we discuss the development of Dutch constitutional law scholarship in the second half of the 19th century on the basis of the work of ‘the pope of Dutch constitutional law’ in the second half of the 19th century, the Leiden professor J.T. Buys (1828–1893). His inspiration was ‘German’. Buys praised, for instance, the work of Rudolf von Gneist (1816–1895), which was strongly influenced by the Historical School. From the end of the 1870s onwards, Buys fell under the spell of the German professor of constitutional law Paul Laband (1838–1918), especially of his seminal work Das Staatsrecht des Deutschen Reiches (1876–1882) This work had a major influence on the three-volume commentary on the Dutch constitution that Buys published between 1883 and 1888: De Grondwet. Toelichting en kritiek (‘The Constitution. Commentary and Critique’). Like Laband, Buys said farewell to a constitutional law scholarship that was overly philosophical. Instead he emphasised the independence of constitutional law as a scientific discipline. De Grondwet became the compass on which Dutch constitutional lawyers and politicians were guided for a long time. Because of Laband’s influence, Buys’ work also met with sharp criticism in the Netherlands, particularly because of its characteristic strict separation of law and practice. This criticism signaled a new phase in Dutch constitutional law scholarship.“
Abstract „The prominent German theologian August Tholuck (1799–1877) stood in close contact with several leading persons in the Dutch nineteenth-century religious, theological, and ecclesiastical field. However, recent historiography has hardly paid any attention to the relation between Tholuck’s theology and the Dutch situation. This article discusses how Tholuck’s theology functioned in the context of Dutch theological debates on rationalism and biblical and religious authority. The article thereby, on the one hand, shows how in Tholuck’s theology the dialectic between subjective religious experience and objective religious truth was mediated. On the other, it analyses how nineteenth-century theology was internationally connected.“
- Ahrtal (1)
- Augsburg (1)
- Autofahren (1)
- Bauforschung (1)
- Bayern (1)
- Buys, Johan Theodoor (1828–1893) (1)
- Calvinismus (1)
- Den Haag (1)
- Deutschland (1)
- Evangelische Theologie (1)
- Fachwerkbau (1)
- Familie (2)
- Fotografie (1)
- Frauenbewegung (1)
- Goch (1)
- Goudstikker, Sophia (1865–1924) (1)
- Hausbau (1)
- Hochschulschrift (1)
- Hunsrück (1)
- Islam (1)
- Kleijn, Lodewijk Johannes (1817–1897) (1)
- Kraftwagen (1)
- Kuyper, Abraham (1837–1920) (1)
- Landschaftsmalerei (1)
- Leiden (1)
- Margarineindustrie (1)
- München (1)
- Niederländer (1)
- Niederländisch-Indien (1)
- Niederrhein-Gebiet (2)
- OA/Volltext (1)
- Post (1)
- Protestantismus (1)
- Rassismus (1)
- Reise (1)
- Rezeption (1)
- Rheinland (1)
- Schwarze (1)
- Siebengebirge (1)
- Sklaverei (1)
- Snouck Hurgronje, Christiaan (1857–1936) (1)
- Staatsrecht (1)
- Tourismus (1)
- Venlo (1)
- Verfahrensrecht (1)
- Verkehr (1)
- Buch (2)
- Buchteil (3)
- Zeitschriftenartikel (7)