Kulturgut, das der Krieg erschuf. Das bauliche Erbe der Befestigungs- und Verteidigungssysteme im SaarLorLux-Raum vom 16.Jh. bis zum 2. Weltkrieg

Kulturgut, das der Krieg erschuf. Das bauliche Erbe der Befestigungs- und Verteidigungssysteme im SaarLorLux-Raum vom 16.Jh. bis zum 2. Weltkrieg
Abstract: „The edificial structures of fortification and defense systems in the SaarLorLux region (Saar, Lorraine, Luxembourg) from the 16th century to World War II. Potential and problems of revaluation taking into consideration the recreation and tourism-oriented forms of use. Since the dispartment of the Carolingian empire in 843, territorial conflicts and dislocation of borders in the European SaarLorLux region have as a consequence led to the extraordinary high concentration of fortification and defense structures of different eras in this region. The fact that this has to be considered as unique was made clear by the Metz geographer François Reitel. He signified the SaarLorLux region as the world- "largest open air museum concerning fortification." Barely another region is able to document the evolution of modern times" fortification during the last five hundred years in such an impressive manner. The distinct variety of this period of fortifications is what makes it interesting for a diverse sightseeing tourism. Within the SaarLorLux region, leisure and tourism are important objectives for the conversion of fortifications as well as structures of defense. Both offer a vast potential of space not integrated in communal planning and are just partially built-up areas, extensive or even completely waste grounds with a reserve potential. Still, there is a gap between many abandoned and few fortifications in good, sometimes even outstanding condition. Therewith, fortifications in the SaarLorLux area are of great importance for culture tourism and their value is not recognized yet. The dissertation- objects of investigation are 333 buildings built in the three modern epochs stamped by the use of guns. In detail, those epochs are the one of bastion defense structures (16th to 18th century), the one of forts and huge defense structures (19th century) and the one of the territorial defense structures (20th century). A basic goal was the registration of the defense structural equipment in the SaarLorLux region documenting the different types, extents, functions and specialties of the existing objects. The registered buildings were judged for their adequacy for tourist and visitor use. In this way, it was possible to identify 25 fortifications and ensembles which have not been object of a conversion yet, but still have a potential for a future use in the tourism and recreation sector. Objects already in touristy use were analyzed and evaluated. Associations and clubs as supporters of this development find special account. After an evaluation of strengths and weaknesses of the existing tourism structures, perspectives for a future recreational and tourism use of the fortification heritage as a whole were developed.“
Universität Trier
Kulturgut, das der Krieg erschuf
REICHERT, Anja, 2004. Kulturgut, das der Krieg erschuf. Das bauliche Erbe der Befestigungs- und Verteidigungssysteme im SaarLorLux-Raum vom 16.Jh. bis zum 2. Weltkrieg [online]. Universität Trier. Verfügbar unter: https://doi.org/10.25353/ubtr-xxxx-0702-3dcf